10 Things Why We Are Not Reading As Much As Before

10 Things Why We Are Not Reading As Much As Before

Yes You Can Now Major In Comics Literature by Professor Jeremy Larance

As an English professor at a relatively small public university in West Virginia, West Liberty University, I often try to find ways to sneak comics and graphic novels into my courses. For several years now, for example, I’ve used V for Vendetta as the culminating text in my British Literature course, because...

Are E-books Really Cheaper?

e-Books VS Books

For a start, e-Books are literatures that are not printed, but are stored and displayed electronically. This has indeed provided much convenience, not only in terms of portability, it makes it easier to transmit and send to receiving parties. For the points that have already mentioned earlier, I shall not repeat again in this short post that I will like to share in hopes that I can convince you that E-books are not as cheap as it is. If you have not read my earlier post on, Why Are E-books More Expensive Than Printed Books?, you can find it here. Fees for electronic mediums In general, e-books are subjected to...