Are E-books Really Cheaper?

e-Books VS Books

For a start, e-Books are literatures that are not printed, but are stored and displayed electronically. This has indeed provided much convenience, not only in terms of portability, it makes it easier to transmit and send to receiving parties. For the points that have already mentioned earlier, I shall not repeat again in this short post that I will like to share in hopes that I can convince you that E-books are not as cheap as it is. If you have not read my earlier post on, Why Are E-books More Expensive Than Printed Books?, you can find it here. Fees for electronic mediums In general, e-books are subjected to...

Physical Store Locations

Some of are titles are available physically at different locations for you to browse through before buying. Please proceed to ParkLane Shopping Mall, Level 1, and Fortune Center, Level 1 also. As we have a lot of titles to share, we are only publishing selective titles that we think that it will be popular online. Nonetheless, please write to us if you are seeking any specific titles. Feel free to write on our Facebook wall.

Priceless Video – Cocoa farmers trying chocolate for the first time

You would think that chocolate is universal. Something that is everywhere, that everyone can enjoy. It's not. There are people who have never tried it, even the farmers who break their backs to harvest cocoa beans for a few cents in the Ivory Coast. Watch their faces light up when they eat it for the … Continue reading Priceless Video – Cocoa farmers trying chocolate for the first time

The Way Millionaires View Money Is Much Different From Everyone Else

Doesn’t it seem like the rich keep getting richer while the middle class is stuck in the same old spot? Economic inequality is a hot topic right now, and many people go as far as accusing the wealthy of having some sort of unfair advantage. Those are easy accusations to make, and they resonate well with some people. But the truth is, there are no unfair advantages.