6 Things you MUST HAVE for a Blogshop/Online business in Singapore

1) List Building - Staying in touch with your prospects and customers is very important. And since every single person in the world has an email address and contact number, building an list is one of the cheapest, most cost-effective solution for doing that. So when to start? Right now! Start building your email list today. You will need a database of contacts, a network of people so that the word gets out there fast. Without them, there will be no returning customers. 2) Content -

Why It is Cheaper to Buy Books Online

We used to buy books from retail shops, typically Popular, Kino and previously Borders. But nowadays a majority of us buy books online because it is more convenient and it is cheaper. The proof? Well firstly based on statistics, the top categories for mobile commerce in an online research done by The Nielson Company in … Continue reading Why It is Cheaper to Buy Books Online