Stay Safe During Covid19

It has been really a while since we post something or anything to update everyone. And in this period, a lot things changed without much notice. Humans relationship change, things evolved and global events shift drastically. Everything is changing, everything is still changing.

At this point of writing, Covid19 has reached an infection toll of 1.5m. This is not the final number. And surely this number continues to grow. Only question is if the rate of increment will be increasing than the day before.

No doubt it first started in Wuhan, China. Thus because of that it was labelled as Wuhan Virus. Pretty much just like how everyone calls the various crisis that happened before; Ebola Virus, or bird flu. The correct term should be Covid-19.

Looking at the rate of infection, it will surpass each high unless everyone cooperates. It has become an issue of, ME vs WE. A simple instruction of staying at home cannot be executed correctly, with many errants staying NOT at home. The individualistic mindset of YOLO (You Only Live Once) brings danger closer to everyone, thinking that if one is to be infected, it is ultimately an individual issue.

Yet it is not. The virus is spreading rampantly, it just needs one more person to be infected so that that one more person can contribute to the contamination efforts of the virus. Just one more is all Covid19 takes to continue.

Why cannot everyone be at home and stay at home? Whenever there is someone not at home, that someone out there continues to contribute and increase community spread of Covid 19. It does not matter if the infection has or had taken place because no one knows, there are no symptoms and no signs. When the symptoms come, it will be too late already. All the people who are in contact previously will be in much higher probability of infection immediately.

So why YOLO, why take the chance? Why choose to be stupid like licking toilet seats and then getting infected after? Why take the risk and step outdoors? I cannot fathom why.

This is NOT a post of affiliated links, or Free sign ups or freebies. Surely you guys should be aware of all the freebies BooksAvenue have been providing by now if you have always been catching up with us BooksAvenue.

This is a post of disappointment and disgruntlement of poor choices by fellow citizens and friends who, in this difficult times, make life even harder for everyone.

I am just going to say it again. We need everyone to get their act together. Count beans or screw bottlecaps for all that matter. BUT STAY AT HOME.


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