The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo – Stieg Larsson

Blomkvist arrives at Hedeby Island on January 3rd. Henrik gives him a tour and points out some of the major suspects in the disappearance of Harriet Vanger all those years ago. Harald Vanger is Henrik's 92-year-old brother, a hermit and lifelong member of the Nazi party. Henrik doesn't speak to him. Isabella Vanger is 75 … Continue reading The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo – Stieg Larsson

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo – Stieg Larsson

Blomkvist arrives at Hedeby Island on January 3rd. Henrik gives him a tour and points out some of the major suspects in the disappearance of Harriet Vanger all those years ago. Harald Vanger is Henrik's 92-year-old brother, a hermit and lifelong member of the Nazi party. Henrik doesn't speak to him. Isabella Vanger is 75 … Continue reading The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo – Stieg Larsson