Mao’s Last Dancer – Li Cun Xin

For everyone who has been fascinated by the grace of ballet dancers, here's a true story which details the sweat and tears which goes on before the big jumps and standing ovations. Li Cun Xin made it his life's dream to dream in the biggest stage ever, and as a result being deemed a traitor by his homeland. But with his hailing accomplishments in the world of ballet together with the revolution in China, his final dream to dance once more in his country will be fulfilled. A great read for the culture and live of a growing country.

Mao’s Last Dancer – Li Cun Xin

For everyone who has been fascinated by the grace of ballet dancers, here's a true story which details the sweat and tears which goes on before the big jumps and standing ovations. Li Cun Xin made it his life's dream to dream in the biggest stage ever, and as a result being deemed a traitor by his homeland. But with his hailing accomplishments in the world of ballet together with the revolution in China, his final dream to dance once more in his country will be fulfilled. A great read for the culture and live of a growing country.