More Fun Facts about Millennials

The year is 2021 now.

This means those who are born in 2000 are now 21 years old. At the age of 21, many countries recognise this as the age of adulthood, a young adult from the adolescent age. It would also mean the age of transition, probably from studying to working, from college to office. This are the Gen Z group, ranging from 1997 to 2010.

What about Millennials?

So with the Gen Z entering workforce, Millennials should be in the workforce for quite some time. They should have gained relevant experience and amassed certain spending power. Are they still relevant since the trend has always been looking forward, wanting only the latest? Will they be redundant after?

To these asked questions above, BooksAvenue received warm responses from the previous article. This was written by us: Fun Facts About Millennials. In recognition of that, we decided to share more information by invitation from ReviewMoose. Though the data provided from ReviewMoose is largely based on Canadians, the trend and habits remain the same.

But one might ask, why should we know about Millennials?

A brief summary

From the information extracted from ReviewMoose, the summary as follows:

1. Millennials are earning more money than baby boomers and Gen X-ers did at their age.
2. Homeowner millennials’ after-tax income is more than double that of millennials who aren’t homeowners.
3. 28% of Canadian millennials shopped online in 2019.

Purely from the earning and spending habits, there is a deviation from the previous generations. Not only millennials are earning more, they are willing to spend on the greater things they care for.

For the other generations who might be working with millennials, this will be a point of learn about the mindset of millennials. This is especially so for Gen Z, who are entering workforce and is facing a millennial boss.

So I leave you with the this article. And a note to ponder; Why Millennials are uniquely different from the other generations?

For more details for greater clarity, please go to:

Thank you ReviewMoose again for this kind invitation.

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