Amazon Audible: Enjoy 2 FREE downloads

Yes. Free stuff available at

Sign up for a FREE account and you can download any 2 audio books for FREE. Plus you get to swap them whenever you want.

And that’s not the end after the FREE trial.

What do I get?

  • 30 days of membership free, plus 2 audiobooks and 2 Audible Originals to get you started.
  • After trial, you’ll get 3 titles each month: 1 audiobook and 2 Audible Originals of your choice.
  • Easy exchanges. Don’t like your audiobook? Swap it for free.
  • Cancel anytime, your audiobooks are yours to keep forever.




Why read when you can listen? The luxury of a narrator reading the story to you, invoking the emotions, creating the scene and atmosphere for you. Listen to it while you are travelling on the subway or train where reading is simply not that convenient.

So sign up now while it is FREE! And what’s more? You get 2 free books of your choice!


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Only for Non-US citizens…

You will need a VPN installed on your computer, and buy books or sign up using your computer only.

The Amazon can detect your location through your computer IP address. By using a VPN, it will mimic your computer IP address into a US address (your computer location will display as United State instead of Singapore). The steps are quite easy, just refer to the following:

– Visit this link: Private Internet Access VPN, sign up is FREE for 7 days. You will get an unlimited data after signed up the account. If you are using it for 1 time, then go for the monthly option. This is cheaper and it is only $8+ per month.

Yet if you are using this just to buy Kindle books over 2 years or so, then go for the longer period for more cost savings. Furthermore, this VPN service can be used for other functions such as access other blocked sites in future.

Private Internet works on Windows, Mac, Android and iOS devices.

– After signing up the account, download the VPN software and install.
– Login and connect.

ip address change from singapore to usa

Only by changing your IP address, Amazon will assume you are in the US or so. This helps to ease the geographical constraints.

Hope this free tip will be useful to you, fulfilling our mission to bridge readers to the world of knowledge and fantasy.



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