Why book lovers cannot be in the book business?

When we first started this book business, BooksAvenue, we had an ideal business model. We started by doing rental concept, hoping that through this way, we can share the joy of reading to more people. Eventually we decided to revamp our entire business concept, based on the feedbacks and statistics that we were getting. It seems that our fans are not interested in renting the titles they love. They want to own the books, buy them home to collect or to store. Thus in order to survive, we had to alter our business concept, changing from rental to selling.

And this is where we faced, or rather, facing another problem. This problem is pretty unique. It is not seen by any readers, or fans of BooksAvenue. It could be solved by, perhaps, a change of mentality. But this is unlikely, very unlikely.

The problem we are facing is the fact that we LOVE books too much. We love it so much that we are not willing to put it up on for sale. We have the books and to see it sitting neatly on our shelves, nice and tidy. It gives us a sense of pleasure and thrill to know that we own certain collections. To build a small little library, a personal collection to all the books that we love. And most importantly, the fact that we are able to be still in access to the books that we love and have been loving all this while, at any time of the day, at any time of the year regardless rain of shine

This probably also explains why some of our clients prefer to buy books than to rent it. It is also why this same love of books and the magical world of reading that propels us to do up and establish this book business. Surprisingly, it is the same love that is holding back the business.

So long story short and back to the topic, we concluded that book lovers CANNOT be in the book business. Or perhaps they can be in the rental business model if that market is sustainable since books will eventually be coming back to them.

To simplify this post, and for the convenience of those who do not read and skim through the post to find the answer to the above headline, we shall jot it down in bullet points. Even though this has been explained earlier, we just wanted to troll and ease up a little since it is Friday today.

There are 5 reasons to why book lovers cannot be in the book business.




Why cannot?


  1. Book lovers will not be willing to part with the books that are meant to be sold.

  2. Book lovers will not be willing to part with the books that are meant to be sold.

  3. Book lovers will not be willing to part with the books that are meant to be sold.

  4. Book lovers will not be willing to part with the books that are meant to be sold.

  5. Book lovers will not be willing to part with the books that are meant to be sold.

No really, there are 5 reasons that has been explained earlier in this passage. Due to some technical error on WordPress site, we are only able to replicate the first reason 5 times.


OK ok… it’s not that funny. sorry.

P.S. We love books and got a bad sense of humor. Forgive us.

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